I am finding the average production days per year for maple syrup. My maple distribution data is in an ascii file. I have a raster (created from NetCDF files) called bric
The two rasters clearly do not have the same extent. In fact are in different universes (coordinate reference systems). brick.Tmax
has angular (longitude/latitude) coordinates: +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84
but red_raster
clearly does not given extent : -1793092, 1206908, -1650894, 1149106
. So to use these data together, one of the two needs to be transformed (projected into the the coordinate reference system of the other). The problem is that we do not know what the the crs of red_raster is (esri ascii files do not store that information!). So you need to find out what it is from your data source, or by guessing giving the area covered and conventions. After you find out, you could do something like:
tmax <- raster(nrow=222, ncol=462, xmn=-124.75, xmx=-67, ymn=25.125, ymx=52.875, crs="+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84")
red <- raster(nrow=140, ncol=150, xmn=-1793092, xmx=1206908, ymn=-1650894, ymx=1149106, crs=NA)
crs(red) <- " ?????? "
redLL <- projectRaster(red, tmax)
Projectiong rasters takes time. A good way to test whether you figured out the crs would be to transform some polygons that can show whether things align.
states <- shapefile('states.shp')
sr <- spTransform(states, crs(red)
plot(sr, add=TRUE)