I am using zxing to generate barcodes. I want to store incremental number in it and I want to avoid checksum errors. How can I avoid it? What\'s the correct approach?
you can use the algorithm on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EAN-13 to base your code off of.
This should give you a good approach to creating it and using it at the same time
I would of made a comment but I dont have enough rep.
I wrote generation method using kotlin, may be it will be helpful for some1
fun generateBarcode(): String {
var result = ""
for (i in 0..11) {
result += (0..9).random()
return result+getCheckSum(result)
fun getCheckSum(code:String): String {
var odd = 0
var even = 0
for (i in 0..code.length-1) {
val index = i+1
if (index.isOdd())
return ((10-((odd+even*3)%10))%10).toString()
just call generateBarcode()
to get EAN13 barcode as String