I have a pandas data-frame like as shown below
df1_new = pd.DataFrame({\'person_id\': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
\'start_date\': [\'07/23/2377\', \
Here is an example. See comments I think you'll understand the basic approach.
from copy import deepcopy
from datetime import datetime
import pandas as pd
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({
'person_id': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
'start_date': ['07/23/2377', '05/29/2477', '02/03/2177', '7/27/2277', '7/13/2077'],
'start_datetime': ['07/23/2377 12:00:00', '05/29/2477 04:00:00', '02/03/2177 02:00:00', '7/27/2277 05:00:00', '7/13/2077 12:00:00'],
'end_date': ['07/25/2377', '06/09/2477', '02/05/2177', '01/01/2000', '01/01/2000'],
'end_datetime': ['07/25/2377 02:00:00', '06/09/2477 04:00:00', '02/05/2177 01:00:00', '01/01/2000 00:00:00', '01/01/2000 00:00:00'],
'type': ['IP', 'IP', 'OP', 'OP', 'IP']
def calculate_days(x):
# datetime object from string
x['end_date'] = datetime.strptime(x['end_date'], '%m/%d/%Y')
x['start_date'] = datetime.strptime(x['start_date'], '%m/%d/%Y')
x['end_datetime'] = datetime.strptime(x['end_datetime'], '%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S')
x['start_datetime'] = datetime.strptime(x['start_datetime'], '%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S')
# you need only 2000 year...
if not (x['end_date'].year == 2000 or x['end_datetime'] == 2000):
return x
# type conditions and calculations...
if x['type'] == 'IP':
x['end_date'] = x['start_date'] + relativedelta(days=2)
x['end_datetime'] = x['start_datetime'] + relativedelta(days=2)
elif x['type'] == 'OP':
x['end_date'] = deepcopy(x['start_date'])
x['end_datetime'] = deepcopy(x['start_datetime'])
return x
# apply our custom function
df = df.apply(calculate_days, axis=1)
# person_id start_date ... end_datetime type
# 0 1 2377-07-23 00:00:00 ... 2377-07-25 02:00:00 IP
# 1 2 2477-05-29 00:00:00 ... 2477-06-09 04:00:00 IP
# 2 3 2177-02-03 00:00:00 ... 2177-02-05 01:00:00 OP
# 3 4 2277-07-27 00:00:00 ... 2277-07-27 05:00:00 OP
# 4 5 2077-07-13 00:00:00 ... 2077-07-15 12:00:00 IP
# [5 rows x 6 columns]
Hope this helps.