I will try to explain my problem as much accurate as possible. I am looking for a javascript chart library filling the two following conditions:
From an ajax req
Using a combination of the answer here:
And an example of dynamic average using all visible series that I made for a previous question, here:
I put together this example, using the afterSetExtremes
event, like this:
xAxis : {
afterSetExtremes:function() {
var ext = this.getExtremes();
getAverage(this.chart, ext.min, ext.max, show, width, avgColor, dashStyle);
Working example here:
The idea is:
1) capture the afterSetExtremes event
2) get the resulting axis min and max
3) loop through the series data
4) if a point is between the min and max, increment the count, and add the point's y value to the sum
5) calculate the average accordingly, check for existence of average series, if exists, update, if not, add
It could as easily use a plot line that you add/remove as needed instead of a series, but I like having it as a series so that it has a legend entry.