I\'m looking for a way to use a jpa relationship @OneToMany/@OneToOne/@ManyToOne/@ManyToMany with a ComboBox.
public class State {
A straight forward solution:
BeanItemContainer<State> container = new BeanItemContainer<State>(State.class);
final BeanFieldGroup<State> binder = new BeanFieldGroup<State>(State.class);
binder.setFieldFactory(new DefaultFieldGroupFieldFactory() {
public <T extends Field> T createField(Class<?> type, Class<T> fieldType) {
if (type.isAssignableFrom(Governor.class) && fieldType.isAssignableFrom(ComboBox.class)) {
return (T) new ComboBox(); // we create a ComboBox for the Governor property
return super.createField(type, fieldType);
final State bean = new State();
Field<?> field = null;
binder.buildAndBind("State", "state");
field = binder.buildAndBind("Governor", "governor", ComboBox.class);
ComboBox cmbx = (ComboBox) field;
// We define a container data source for your Governors.
// I've taken the BeanItemContainer
cmbx.setContainerDataSource(new BeanItemContainer<Governor>(Governor.class));
// If you want to use a JPAContainer you need to translate entities to identifiers and visa versa
// cmbx.setContainerDataSource(dsGovernor);
// cmbx.setConverter(new SingleSelectConverter<Governor>(cmbx));
// we create two dummy Governors
Governor governorA = new Governor();
Governor governorB = new Governor();
// ... and add them to the container
// when the binder is committed the value of the ComboBox ( getValue() )is mapped to our state bean.
This question is related to another question on Stackoverflow: Vaadin 7.0.1 Combobox with JPAContainer and FieldGroup.
I wrote a blog post about this topic which explains how FieldGroups work internally and how you can make them work for this particular use case: Select Nested JavaBeans With a Vaadin FieldGroup. This post will also explain why a ConversionException is thrown in your example.
Of course you could switch to using a BeanItemContainer
, but by using a simple Converter
implementation you can use any Container
implementation as data source for your ComboBox. See the blog post for details.