I make a CSV converter, for this, I need to replace all the spaces with \";\". I have already did this step. The problem is that I have a texbox with the multiline mod. Here is
content1 = string.Concat( content1.Replace(" ", ";"), ";");
Remove all spaces then concat ";" at end
char []split = new char[]{' '};
//replaces all " " with ";", contiguous " " will be replaced with a single ";"
var c2 = String.Join(";", content1.Split(split, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries));
//replaces all newlines with a semicolon followed by a newline, thus appends a semicolon to the end of line.
var c3 = c2.Replace(System.Environment.NewLine, ";"+System.Environment.NewLine);
//If the file did not end with an NewLine, append a semicolon to the last line
if (!c3.EndsWith(System.Environment.NewLine)) c3+=";";
File.WriteAllText(path, c3);
It's not the fastest solution, but it works.
seems to contain the whole file.
So if you want to add semicolons to each line, you could replace the newline with a semicolon and a newline.
content1 = content1.Replace("\n", ";\n");
You can make your code a bit easier:
string nom = tbxNom.Text;
#region Normal
string content1 = tbxArret.Text;
string path1 = @"C:\Users\DanyWin\Desktop\CsvOutput\" + nom + ".csv";
var lines = content1.Split(new[] { Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
.Select(line => Regex.Replace(line, @"\s+", ";") + ";");
content1 = String.Join("\n", lines);
File.WriteAllText(path1, content1);
lblInfo.Text = "Erreur";