I wrote a custom template tag to query my database and check if the value in the database matches a given string:
def hs_get_section_answer(
Set the result of the template tag call to a variable then call {% if %} on that result
{% hs_get_section_answer questionnaire 'abc' 'def' 'ghi' 'jkl' as result %}
{% if result %}
{% endif %}
You will also need to change your template tag to use an assignment tag instead of a simple tag as well. See assignment tags django doc: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/howto/custom-template-tags/#assignment-tags
def hs_get_section_answer(questionnaire, app, model, field, comp_value):
model = get_model(app, model)
modal_instance = model.objects.get(questionnaire=questionnaire)
if getattr(modal_instance, field) == comp_value:
return True
return False