The below query get the following out put.
Service Date Product1 Product2
01/Jun/2015 1 3
02/Jun/2015 2 5
Instead o
This is how it's done using plain ANSI SQL.
First, you need to pivot vertically - UNPIVOT in TRANSACT-SQL speak - which you do by CROSS JOINing with a single-column temp table with as many consecutive integers as you have values to "unpivot". You use those integers as indexes in a CASE WHEN expression for the values.
Then, you re-pivot, using a SUM(CASE WHEN ...) expression, and GROUP BY the column whose values you want to see vertically in the first column.
Here goes:
-- input
input(Service_Date,Product1,Product2) AS (
SELECT DATE '2015-06-01',1,3
UNION ALL SELECT DATE '2015-06-02',2,5
-- start vertical pivot: two integers
two_ints(idx) AS (SELECT 1 UNION ALL SELECT 2)
-- vertical pivot: CROSS JOIN input with two integers
vert_pivot AS (
, idx
, 'Product'||CAST(idx AS CHAR(1)) AS product
, CASE idx WHEN 1 THEN Product1 WHEN 2 THEN Product2 END AS qty
FROM input CROSS JOIN two_ints
-- debug
-- SELECT * FROM vert_pivot;
-- Service_Date|idx|product |qty
-- 2015-06-01 | 1|Product1| 1
-- 2015-06-01 | 2|Product2| 3
-- 2015-06-02 | 1|Product1| 2
-- 2015-06-02 | 2|Product2| 5
-- re-pivot horizontally by date
horiz_pivot_dt AS (
, SUM(CASE Service_Date WHEN '2015-06-01' THEN qty END) AS "2015-06-01"
, SUM(CASE Service_Date WHEN '2015-06-02' THEN qty END) AS "2015-06-02"
FROM vert_pivot
SELECT * FROM horiz_pivot_dt
-- result:
-- product |2015-06-01|2015-06-02
-- Product1| 1| 2
-- Product2| 3| 5
by the way: I noted that you only pivoted the "column names" and the first column's values - not the measures. My example above did, and I spent a few minutes trying to find out where my error was ....
Happy playing ... marco
Your current query is pivoting product names and grouping the dates. But you need to pivot the dates and group the product names
Try this way
@query AS NVARCHAR(max)
Find the distinct list of dates instead of product names
SELECT @cols = Stuff((SELECT ','
+ Quotename(CONVERT(char(11), Service_Date, 106))
FROM dbo.Store
WHERE CatID = '2'
GROUP BY CONVERT(char(11), Service_Date, 106)
ORDER BY CONVERT(date, Service_Date)
FOR xml PATH (''), TYPE) .value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)'), 1, 1, '')
In pivot for
list use the Service_date
column instead of Product_Name
SET @query = 'SELECT Product_Name,'
+ @cols
+ ' from ( select Service.Service_Date, Store.Product_Name, Servicelist.ProductQty FROM dbo.Service INNER JOIN dbo.Servicelist ON dbo.Service.Service_ID = dbo.Servicelist.Service_ID INNER JOIN dbo.Store ON dbo.Servicelist.Pro_ID = dbo.Store.Pro_ID) x pivot ( SUM(ProductQty) for CONVERT(char(11), Service_Date, 106) in ('
+ @cols + ') ) p '
EXECUTE (@query);