I am trying to use the ConcatRelated function to provide a summary report of the prior day\'s absences, tardies, and vacations. I have tried several variations and can\'t seem t
I changed your A_date values to 1/13/2015 and stored those sample data in a table named YourTable. Using that table, this is the output in Access 2010 from the query below.
A_date SumOfAbsent SumOfTardy SumOfVacation Reasons
--------- ----------- ---------- ------------- -------------------------------
1/13/2015 5 Car Broke Down Doctor FLMA Sick
Sum(y.Absent) AS SumOfAbsent,
Sum(y.Tardy) AS SumOfTardy,
Sum(y.Vacation) AS SumOfVacation,
' '
) AS Reasons
FROM YourTable AS y
WHERE y.A_date = Date()-1
GROUP BY y.A_date;