I am trying to pass a few values between my activities to make a game work. However, the new activity after passing the information always returns null when I try to .getExtras(
Bundle extras = getIntent().getExtras();
ArrayList<Integer> players = extras.getIntegerArrayList("players");
int currentPlayer = extras.getInt("newPlayerNum");
into onCreate()
. getIntent()
needs a Context
which isn't available before onCreate()
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// here
Bundle extras = getIntent().getExtras();
ArrayList<Integer> players = extras.getIntegerArrayList("players");
int currentPlayer = extras.getInt("newPlayerNum");
Wait until onCreate
to get the intent. Your trying to getIntent()
when the class is instantiated instead of when the Activity is active.
Then just assign the values found to a field and other methods inside that class can access the field.