I\'m following the \"Agile web application development with yii 1.1 and php5\" book and i\'m at the testing with fixtures section. I followed their code but i can\'t access to t
In your framework directory there should be a dir named test and within it there should be CDbTestCase.php. can you verify this please? if it's missing you've found the problem, else your code cannot reach the framework dir.
I encountered the same problem while using PHPStorm. It works when I run the tests (ctrl+shift+F10) while standing on the directory 'unit', but will not work if I stand on the test file itself.
check if you bootstrap file in pŕotected/tests is pointing to the right paths and check if the WebTastCase.php file in the same folder is poiting to the right 'TEST_BASE_URL', something like:
and try to run phpunit from inside the protected/tests folder