I\'m stuck in the middle of my project. I have a list of lists like:
\'((a for apple) (b is book) (c in cat) (ronn live in NY))
Now I want to
Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, Video Lectures by Hal Abelson and Gerald Jay Sussman
Lecture 4a, Pattern Matching and Rule-based Substitution
How about running a filter
routine across the list, and using a lambda object initialized with your query information that will then be applied to the list until it finds a match.
So for instance, you would have a lamda that would look something like
(define (filter-object query)
(define (query-function list-input)
;;do something here for query function that will take the initialized
;;query and match it against the list-input to see if there's a match
;;it should return #t or #f
;;the return of the filter-object is the query function
;;my-filter-function is initialized with a specific query
(define my-filter-function (filter-object '(a for what)))
Now with the filter-object
initialized, run a filter across your list
(define (filter filter-function list-of-lists)
(cond ((eq? list-of-lists '()) '())
((filter-function (car list-of-lists))
(cons (car list-of-lists)
(filter filter-function (cdr list-of-lists)))
(else (filter filter-function (cdr list-of-lists))))
(filter my-filter-function my-list)
This should return a one-element list of the matches (providing you aren't placing more than one copy in your list set.
Hope this helps,