I\'m currently building a UI where I do have 3 labels that are arranged in a horizontal layout:
| textLabel | valueLabel | unitLabel |
Widgets in a layout are always managed not to overlap, so I just see no way that the textLabel
could overlap valueLabel
. Most likely your widgets are not managed by the layout, even if they were added to the layout. Perhaps the layout with labels is not a child of another layout, or is not set on a container widget.
You're not telling us something. A self-contained test case would be good to have.
If you want a label to elide the text by finishing it with "..." instead of abruptly cutting it off, the following elided style can be used.
// Usage:
QApplication app;
app.setStyle(new ElidedStyle);
QWidget * w = new QLabel("Hello World!");
w->setProperty("elidedItemText", true);
// Interface
class ElidedStyle : public QProxyStyle
static QString elidedText(const QString & text, QPainter * painter, const QRect & rect);
virtual void drawItemText(
QPainter * painter, const QRect & rect, int flags, const QPalette & pal,
bool enabled, const QString & text, QPalette::ColorRole textRole = QPalette::NoRole) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
// Implementation
QString ElidedStyle::elidedText(const QString & text, QPainter * painter, const QRect & rect)
QWidget * widget = dynamic_cast<QWidget*>(painter->device());
if (widget && widget->property("elidedItemText").toBool()) {
QFontMetrics fm(painter->font());
return fm.elidedText(text, Qt::ElideMiddle, rect.width());
return text;
void ElidedStyle::drawItemText(
QPainter * painter, const QRect & rect, int flags, const QPalette & pal,
bool enabled, const QString & text, QPalette::ColorRole textRole) const
QProxyStyle::drawItemText(painter, rect, flags, pal, enabled, elidedText(text, painter, rect), textRole);