We have to update web.config entry of Azure package file which got deployed into production environment. We dowloaded cspkg file and unzipped the content and modified our web.co
Use cspack.exe to regenerate the package. Use the below command.
cspack.exe "path_to_csdef_File\ServiceDefinition.csdef" /role:<RoleName>;<path_to_Binaries\approot> /out:D:\NewPackage.cspkg /rolePropertiesFile:<rolename>;<path_to_entry_point_file\entrypoint.txt>
Detailed steps to regenerate package are mentioned in this post.
I fixed my issue my self, followed the instruction in msdn. I unzipped it and did packaging using cspack tool
'Tampering' with the cspkg file is not supported . Try re-creating a new cspkg file using CSPack.