I have an application bundle on Mac OS X 10.4 on the desktop. My application looks for a folder named \"resources\" in which files to be displayed are kept (kept in the same loc
That's because "user.dir" indicates the current user directory in effect when the JVM is run; in Windows, this is often the location of the JAR unless you specify otherwise. In OSX there may well be no concept of a current dir, but more likely it just has a different default.
Though I have never specifically tested this code under OSX, you can try this to locate the directory from which any class was loaded:
static public File getClassLocation(Class cls, boolean trmjar) {
ClassLoader clsldr; // class loader
URL urlobj; // url object
String exturl; // external form of URL
String lwrurl; // lowercase external form of URL
File rtnfil; // return file
if((clsldr=cls.getClassLoader())==null) { clsldr=ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader(); }
if((urlobj=clsldr.getResource(cls.getName().replace('.','/')+".class"))==null) {
return null;
while(lwrurl.startsWith("jar:") || lwrurl.startsWith("file:/")) {
if(lwrurl.startsWith("jar:")) {
if(lwrurl.indexOf("!/")!=-1) { exturl=exturl.substring(4,(exturl.indexOf("!/"))); } // strip encapsulating "jar:" and "!/..." from JAR url
else { exturl=exturl.substring(4 ); } // strip encapsulating "jar:"
if(lwrurl.startsWith("file:/")) {
exturl=exturl.substring(6); // strip encapsulating "file:/"
if(!exturl.startsWith("/")) { exturl=("/"+exturl); }
while(exturl.length()>1 && exturl.charAt(1)=='/') { exturl=exturl.substring(1); }
rtnfil=new File(exturl);
if(lwrurl.endsWith(".class") || (trmjar && lwrurl.endsWith(".jar"))) { rtnfil=rtnfil.getParentFile(); }
if(rtnfil.exists()) { rtnfil=rtnfil.getAbsoluteFile(); }
return rtnfil;
it's worked reliably for me for years under Windows for all versions of Java since Java 1.
I instead used the system property "user.home" instead of "user.dir". This way i do not have to worry about where the JVM is looking. I have the application bundle refernce my jar file directly using a bash script as the executeable called by the info.plist file. i can always place the files to be displayed by the app on the users home because that location will always return a path.