I have a WCF service and am hosting it in a Windows Service.
I tried to add a reference for the service from a Windows Form client built on .NET 2.0. I could get the Web
the problem is mexHttpBinding
isn't actually exposing your service, its only exposing a defenition of your service, and since .net 2.0 doesn't understand nettcp you get an empty namespace, you need basicHttpBinding becuase that is your actually service endpoint.
if you look at the contracts you see that the contract for mexHttpBinding isn't even "HBAcsNX.HBAccess"
but rather "IMetadataExchange".
Your config doesn't quite line up.....
<service name="HBAcsNX.HBAccess"
behaviorConfiguration="HBAcsNX.HBAccessBehavior" >
<add baseAddress="http://localhost:8002/HBAccess/" />
<endpoint address="mex"
binding="mexHttpBinding" contract="IMetadataExchange" />
If you take all this into account, you get http://localhost:8002/HBAccess/
from the base address, plus mex
from the MEX endpoint --> http://localhost:8002/HBAccess/mex
But in your behavior configuration, you use a different address for MEX:
<behavior name="HBAcsNX.HBAccessBehavior">
<serviceMetadata httpGetEnabled="true"
httpGetUrl="http://localhost:8002/HBAccess/help/mex" />
Here, you point at http://localhost:8002/HBAccess/help/mex
- note the extra /help
in there. Now which one is it really??
I would recommend tossing away the explicit httpGetUrl in the service behavior config - just use:
<behavior name="HBAcsNX.HBAccessBehavior">
<serviceMetadata httpGetEnabled="true" />
and you should be able to get your MEX at http://localhost:8002/HBAccess/mex
You have to specify a binding, and basicHttpBinding is the only one that interoperates with a .NET 2.0 client. .NET 2.0 ASMX clients only support XML over HTTP, and with no WS-* protocols.