Loading different images in the listview item for custom Adapter

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南笙 2021-01-26 00:38

Hi please forgive me if I am mistaking when explaining the problem . I have a Custom Base adapter in which there is two imageView and two TextView and I am usning an Async task

  • 2021-01-26 00:53

    I would suggest you to try Picasso to remove the hassle of downloading images/caching etc. Once you have the jar in your workspace, all you need to do in the getView() method of the adapter class is this.


    No need of the DownloadAsyncTask. As @zapl also suggested in the comment, there are other libraries like Volley and UniversalImageLoader, but I liked Picasso. You can also easily apply transformations like rounded-image using the Transformation interface provided by Picasso.

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