im trying to split a string but keep the delimiter at the beginning of the next token (if thats possible)
Example: I\'m trying to split the string F120LF120L
How about doing it brute force?
String del = "L";
String str = "F120LLF120LLLLF12L";
int i = 0;
while (true) {
i = str.indexOf(del, i);
if (i == -1) break;
String a = str.substring(0, i);
String b = str.substring(i + del.length());
str = a + " " + del;
str += b.startsWith(del) || b.length() == 0 ? b : " " + b;
i = a.length() + del.length() + 1;
// Will print: F120 L L F120 L L L L F12 L
Use split(), for all practical purposes StringTokenizer
is deprecated (it's still there only for backwards compatibility). This will work:
String delimiter = "L";
String str = "F120LF120L";
String[] splitted = str.split(delimiter);
for (String s : splitted) {
> F120
> L
> F120
> L
From the docs, you can use StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(str, "L", true);
The last parameter is a boolean that specifies that delimiters have to be returned too.