I have a solution to a differential solution but the issue is that I have different solutions in different intervals.
For examle:
x_1(t) when t belongs t
You can use plot with multiple inputs to plot them altogether:
% the functions:
x_1 = @(t) 2.*t;
x_2 = @(t) 5.*t;
x_3 = @(t) 7.*t;
% the transition points:
t_1 = 30;
t_2 = 60;
t_3 = 90;
% plotting:
Another way, that lets you define all kind of function specific visual properties is to use hold:
f = @(t,a) a.*t;
t = 0:30:100;
m = 'os^'; % choosing different marker for each function
for k = 1:numel(t)-1
hold on
hold off