I have two vertex classes: Location and User and I have two edges also: Friend and GoingTo. A User can be \'Friend\' with another User and a User can also \'GoingTo\' a Location
Little late but since this was a high result for my google search, thought I'd link the answer I found on another question.
My use case, and I believe a wide category of use cases leaning on recursion, has to store data in edge properties.
For OP, it should be
SELECT expand(both('Friend').out('goingTo')) FROM #12:11
WHERE out_goingTo[0].going_date = '2015-01-01'
This seems like a case where you'd have 1-many "going to" edges, so it could be
WHERE out_goingTo[0-100]
for a range or
WHERE out_goingTo[0,5,10]
for a set.
You can filter on edge's property:
SELECT expand(both('Friend').outE('goingTo')[going_date='2015-01-01'].inV()) FROM #12:11