In our application ,we are using JSF2 with weblogin10.3.4,
The weblogic10.3.4 comes with JSF 2.0 ..We deployed JSF2.0 as library in weblogic.
But when we deploy
Adding the below in web-inf/weblogic.xml solves the issue
Create a weblogic-application.xml like below. This forces to load classes under application library instead of weblogic jars.
<weblogic-application xmlns=""
And if you want to use EL2.2 you will need to add el 2.2 jars to setDomainEnv file where it is located at "bea11\user_projects\domains\base_domain\bin"
Add the following line:
set PATCH_CLASSPATH=D:\dev\lib\el-impl-2.2.jar;D:\dev\lib\el-api-2.2.jar;
edited file looks like below:
if "%PRODUCTION_MODE%"=="true" (
set debugFlag=false
set testConsoleFlag=false
set iterativeDevFlag=false
set logErrorsToConsoleFlag=false
@REM If you want to override the default Patch Classpath, Library Path and Path for this domain,
@REM Please uncomment the following lines and add a valid value for the environment variables
@REM set PATCH_CLASSPATH=[myPatchClasspath] (windows)
@REM set PATCH_LIBPATH=[myPatchLibpath] (windows)
@REM set PATCH_PATH=[myPatchPath] (windows)
@REM PATCH_CLASSPATH=[myPatchClasspath] (unix)
@REM PATCH_LIBPATH=[myPatchLibpath] (unix)
@REM PATCH_PATH=[myPatchPath] (unix)
set PATCH_CLASSPATH=D:\dev\lib\el-impl-2.2.jar;D:\dev\lib\el-api-2.2.jar;
call "%WL_HOME%\common\bin\commEnv.cmd"
set WLS_HOME=%WL_HOME%\server
Good luck