I am getting error while using EntityFunctions.DiffMinutes() with MySQL. Below is my code
return db.DiscoveredDevices.Where(m => EntityFunctions.DiffMinutes((DateTime)m.
The DiffMinutes function doesn't exist in MySQL, just create it and will work:
CREATE FUNCTION `DiffMinutes`(timeValue1 datetime, timevalue2 datetime) RETURNS int(11)
RETURN TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE, timeValue1, timevalue2);
I think maybe MySQL doesn't implement that Function...
you can use the other way like this:
DateTime begin = DateTime.Now - pollTime;
DateTime end = DateTime.Now + pollTime;
var result = (from s in db.DiscoveredDevices where s.LastPollTime > begin && s.LastPollTime < end && && s.Status == true select s).ToList();
return result;