Good Morning All. I have written a short script which batch-creates [single page] Google Slides based on rows from a spreadsheet. While in the loop for each creation, I would
This answer is outdated, leaving up for documentation purposes but please see other answer.
Unfortunately it is not possible to export a Slides as a PNG file using the the Slides nor Drive APIs.
According to the documentation, there are only four available MimeTypes for exporting Presentations files:
Attempting to export to the image/png
MIME Type results in the following error:
Converting from text/html to image/png is not supported
For testing purposes, I tried using the /export/pdf
endpoint and making a second conversion to PNG
from there like so:
function slidesAsPngAttempt() {
var presentationCopyId = "1Loa...pQs";
var options =
"contentType" : "application/pdf"
// for exporting to pdf the /export/pdf needs to be all lower case to avoid 404
var url = '' + presentationCopyId + '/export/pdf';
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, options);
var pdfAsblob = response.getBlob();
var image = pdfAsblob.getAs('image/png');
Unfortunately, a similar error occurs when running var image = pdfAsblob.getAs('image/png')
Converting from application/pdf to image/png is not supported.
From the same export MIME types reference documentation, the only export types available for PDF
files are:
So unfortunately, this isn't possible. I know this is generally bad news, but I hope this is helpful to you!
Yes, It is possible.
You can use Google slide API and make a PNG file of every page of Google slide.
Here is the code, BUT first you have to enable API as following
now copy and paste this code, and write your slide ID in presentationID.
function generateScreenshots() {
var presentationId = "***ADD YOUR Google Slide ID Only***";
var presentation = SlidesApp.openById(presentationId);
var baseUrl =
var parameters = {
method: "GET",
headers: { Authorization: "Bearer " + ScriptApp.getOAuthToken() },
contentType: "application/json",
muteHttpExceptions: true
// Log URL of the main thumbnail of the deck
// For storing the screenshot image URLs
var screenshots = [];
var slides = presentation.getSlides().forEach(function(slide, index) {
var url = baseUrl
.replace("{presentationId}", presentationId)
.replace("{pageObjectId}", slide.getObjectId());
var response = JSON.parse(UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, parameters));
// Upload Googel Slide image to Google Drive
var blob = UrlFetchApp.fetch(response.contentUrl).getBlob();
DriveApp.createFile(blob).setName("Image " + (index + 1) + ".png");
return screenshots;