is there any way to create new database with Laravel
CodeBehind ? I mean, I\'m not able to use php artisan
or something like that. Just because I want
You can create as many Databases from controller by passing the dbname like this
public function index() {
$userName = 'bigboytr'; // Your Database name to be created
DB::statement("CREATE DATABASE $userName");
Warning :
You don't need to create one database for every user as it will make the system very complex. Ex., If you have some thousands of user in some case, then moving the user's information to registered users 'general' database would be very tough
Recommendation :
What i suggest you it to create a new table for unregistered user, so that you can move them to registered user's table, which would make your process easy.
Tip :
You can compare the Database Engine and choose the best for your match like this
well, you could perform a database query for each bd and than use the mysql or you sgbd database create command, for eg;
DB::getConnection()->statement('CREATE DATABASE :schema', array('schema' => "dasdsdasdsadsadsa"))
It probably will work with what you want.
You can run artisan commands from code.
To run composer commands (you'll need it to register migrations), use php shell_exec:
shell_exec('composer dumpauto');
You can create a database using DB facade like this (provided the sql user has the rights to do that):
DB::statement('CREATE DATABASE myNewDB');
But I would urge you to reconsider your data structures - having a separate database for every user is most probably not the right solution to whatever problem you are having and could create more issues than it would solve.
for this, you can create an Artisan Command
Step:1 Create command
php artisan make:command CreateDatabaseCommand
Step:2 In app/Console/Kernel.php register the command
protected $commands = [
Step:3 Write logic in your CreateDatabaseCommand.php file
protected $signature = 'make:database {dbname} {connection?}';
public function handle()
$dbname = $this->argument('dbname');
$connection = $this->hasArgument('connection') && $this->argument('connection') ? $this->argument('connection'): DB::connection()->getPDO()->getAttribute(PDO::ATTR_DRIVER_NAME);
$hasDb = DB::connection($connection)->select("SELECT SCHEMA_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SCHEMATA WHERE SCHEMA_NAME = "."'".$dbname."'");
if(empty($hasDb)) {
DB::connection($connection)->select('CREATE DATABASE '. $dbname);
$this->info("Database '$dbname' created for '$connection' connection");
else {
$this->info("Database $dbname already exists for $connection connection");
catch (\Exception $e){
Now your ready Artisan command call like this way
php artisan make:database {database-name} {connection-name}
See my sample