I\'m trying to minimize how much I create an instance, as I am not particularly skilled in Java. Currently I have a set of instances of other classes in my Main, a quick example
There are a few ways to go about this. The first way is to use the public access modifier:
public AntiSwear antiSwear = new AntiSwear();
public Spam spam = new Spam();
This makes the instances accessible from an instance of ClassName
, for example:
ClassName className = new ClassName();
The second method involves getters and setters, which provide a method that can be invoked by any class that contains an instance and has access, or by a subclass:
AntiSwear antiSwear = new AntiSwear();
Spam spam = new Spam();
public AntiSwear getAnitSwear(){
return this.antiSwear;
public Spam getAnitSwear(){
return this.spam;
Now you can invoke the getter accordingly:
ClassName className = new ClassName();
The third method involves the static access modifier:
public static AntiSwear antiSwear = new AntiSwear();
public static Spam spam = new Spam();
This makes the instances accessible from every external class, even those that do not contain an instance. This is because:
members belong to the class instead of a specific instance.It means that only one instance of a
field exists even if you create a million instances of the class or you don't create any. It will be shared by all instances.
For example:
//Notice that I am not creating an instance, I am only using the class name