I am fairly new to VBScript. I have done some extensive research on what I am trying to accomplish and have even found examples of what to do, but cannot get it to work properly
If you take a closer look at the answer from which the pwd+...
came, you'll notice that pwd
does not contain a password, but a path. The variable was probably named after the Unix command pwd, which stands for "print working directory".
As far as I know the Shell.Application
object does not support unpacking password-protected Zip files. Another answer to the question you referenced suggests the DotNetZip library. Or you could use 7-zip:
Function qq(str)
qq = Chr(34) & str & Chr(34)
End Function
zipfile = "..."
password = "..."
Set sh = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
sh.Run "7za.exe x " & qq(zipfile) & " -p" & qq(password), 0, True