I currently have a string containing a path to an image file like so:
Try this :
var str = "/Users/user/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/Hidden/data/Containers/Data/Application/Hidden/Documents/AppName/2017-07-07_21:14:52_0.jpeg"
let array = str.components(separatedBy: "/")
print(array[array.count-1]) //2017-07-07_21:14:52_0.jpeg
let str = "/Users/user/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/Hidden/data/Containers/Data/Application/Hidden/Documents/AppName/2017-07-07_21:14:52_0.jpeg"
var fileName = URL(fileURLWithPath: str).lastPathComponent
print(fileName) //2017-07-07_21:14:52_0.jpeg
let fileName = URL(fileURLWithPath: path).deletingPathExtension().lastPathComponent
print(fileName) //2017-07-07_21:14:52_0
To answer your direct question: You can search for the last occurrence of a string and get the substring from that position:
let path = "/Users/user/.../AppName/2017-07-07_21:14:52_0.jpeg"
if let r = path.range(of: "/", options: .backwards) {
let imageName = String(path[r.upperBound...])
print(imageName) // 2017-07-07_21:14:52_0.jpeg
(Code updated for Swift 4 and later.)
But what you really want is the "last path component" of a file path.
has the appropriate method for that purpose:
let path = "/Users/user/.../AppName/2017-07-07_21:14:52_0.jpeg"
let imageName = URL(fileURLWithPath: path).lastPathComponent
print(imageName) // 2017-07-07_21:14:52_0.jpeg