After looking at stackoverflow and many other forums, decided to ask this question. The closest that came to discussing the exact problem I have is this answer
I have an
So here's what helped solve this problem. I hope it helps others too.
The AppStore build I created was using Xcode 3.2.6
Apparently there's some problem with XCode's linker as of last year. I stumbled in to this when trying to mess around with -all_load flag errors.
Now, when I create the same build (no code change, no settings changes) using XCode4, the adhoc version doesn't crash.
For now I am updating the appStore version with this build. If anyone reading this answer thinks knows the technical reasoning behind this behavior of XCode, please do post your answer. It'll help save many hours of headBangingAgainstTheWall!
using the following keywords for googling helped:
"-all_load" crashes
RNBRunLoopLaunchInferior (this showed up in the console when the app crashed and printed RNBRunLoopLaunchInferior DNBProcessLaunch() returned error: 'DRHT')
hope this helps!