I ran into a problem when dealing with the server, sending me initial \"greetings header\" (smtp server):
I need to read this header before send any commands and receive
Since no-one's provided an "official" solution yet, here's the workaround I mentioned above.
# Causes stagnant 'nb' count to be updated.
# Note asynchronous nature; this means refresh may not yet have occurred
# when function has exited.
function refreshBufsize(s)
@async eof(s);
return nothing;
# Check if socket is blocked (refresh bytecount first)
# Note, since refresh is asynchronous, may misreport 'blockage' until
# 'refresh' operation is actually finished; however, if socket is actually
# unblocked, subsequent calls of this function will eventually properly
# report socket is not blocked, and in general, misreporting blockage once
# or twice when socket is actually free is probably acceptable (rather
# than other way round).
function isblocked(s)
return nb_available(s) == 0;
# Peek contents of socket without consuming stream
function peek(s, nb)
s.buffer.seekable = true;
Out = read(s.buffer, nb);
s.buffer.seekable = false
return Out
Example: (console outputs denoted as "#>" comments, for copy-pastable code)
server = listen(9001);
sOut = connect(9001);
sIn = accept(server);
#> 0
#> true
refreshBufsize(sIn); # we expect no change, as we haven't written anything yet
#> true
write(sOut, "Greetinks and salutations!\n")
#> 27
write(sOut, "We would be honoured if you would join us.\n")
#> 43
isblocked(sIn) # note: may say true at first (until refresh properly finished)
#> false
#> 27
String( peek( sIn, 10)) # peek socket contents without consuming
#> "Greetinks "
String( read( sIn, nb_available( sIn))) # read (consume) as normal
#> "Greetinks and salutations!\n"
nb_available(sIn) # note 0 even though second buffer awaiting. needs refresh!
#> 0
isblocked(sIn) # note: called "refresh" under the hood
# (but keep async in mind, i.e. might say 'true' at first!)
#> false
#> 43
String( read( sIn, nb_available( sIn)))
#> "We would be honoured if you would join us.\n"
#> true
EDIT: for comparison, a more typical "asynchronous" socket session (which typically relies on such "blocking" behaviour) would probably look something like this:
server = listen(9002);
sOut = connect(9002);
sIn = accept(server);
TaskRef = @async try
while true
In = String(readavailable(sIn));
if !isempty(In); println("Received from server: $In"); else; break; end
println("Connection closed normally");
catch E
println("Connection closed (with status $E)");
write(sOut, "Stop repeating everything I say!\n");
#> Received from server: Stop repeating everything I say!
#> Connection closed normally