I am just starting with Sweave
and with R
. Here I am using R
to output some data and I am also trying to include a plot. The code does not
Several problems corrected, marked by %%%% or ####
x <- rnorm(100)
xm <- mean(x)
x <- rnorm(100)
xm <- mean(x)
##### Remove all comments from your data file
test.frame<-read.table(file="apples.d",header=T,sep= "")
#### Must tell plot where to get the data from. Could also use test.frame$year
Sweave does not take care of your bibliography, so you have to compile it by yourself; I believe some people have automated this job in their R scripts, but I would recommend you to use LyX if you are an experienced LaTeX user. LyX has official support to Sweave, and it takes care of everything you want in LaTeX intelligently (including bibliography). See the manual: https://github.com/downloads/yihui/lyx/sweave.pdf