Object oriented java sample exam

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南笙 2021-01-25 15:52
public class Bird
  private static int id = 0;
  private String kind;

  public Bird(String requiredKind)
    id = id + 1;
    kind = requiredKind;

  public S         

  • 2021-01-25 16:06

    Because the id is static. That means that is a "Class variable/field" and there is only one per Class. All the instances of that Class share it the same id (indeed calling it "id" feels kinda weird).

    See here

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  • 2021-01-25 16:14

    because we are calling toString in the end. When toString takes value of id to return its always 2. Better to print references one by one .

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  • 2021-01-25 16:18

    in addition to static variable 'for' loop only put




    so until end of execute 'for' loop it print only one Line because 'for' loop have not {} bracket it loop only one line

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  • 2021-01-25 16:22

    because here private static int id = 0; id is declared static or class variable. Static variables are class variable they are not initialized or created every time an object is created.

    So, only one copy of static variable exist. No, new copies are created when object are created using new operator.

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  • 2021-01-25 16:25

    Since the id field is static, it will have the same value throughout (and outside of) all instances of Bird.

    After creating two Bird objects, the constructor will have been called twice, therefore the id will be 2.

    See: Understanding Instance and Class Members

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  • 2021-01-25 16:25

    static variables are shared across objects unlike instance variables. So when this executes

    birds[0] = new Bird("falcon");

    the id increments to 1. After that the below is executed incrementing it to 2

    birds[1] = new Bird("eagle");
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