I want to convert my output which is like
BachNo|Release Qty
A |10
A |30
A |40
B |90
B |30
I want to transpose
For known number of columns its possible, but for dynamic number of columns am not very sure. Although you can use something like this and further split it later while processing.
SELECT BatchNo , STUFF(( SELECT ','+ ReleaseQty FROM TableName a
WHERE b.BatchNo = a.BatchNo FOR XML PATH('')),1 ,1, '') Members
FROM TableName b
This should give you an output of something like :
BatchNo | ReleaseQty
-------- | ------------------------
A | 10,30,40
B | 90,30
See below mention links
Efficiently convert rows to columns in sql server
Dynamic Pivot in Sql Server
If still not found search on google there are many much examples on various technical sites