I trying to process the first MDX cube. I have an error while trying to process the cube- \"A device attached to the system is not functioning\"
i have tried the followi
The problem is related to the locale of the account running your SQLServer service and Analsyis Services service. You can change the locale using the registry editor, and restart the server. Use pstools psgetsid to get the SID of your the SQLServer and Analysis Services service account:
psgetsid "NT Service\MSSQL$SQL"
psgetsid "NT Service\MSOLAP$SQL"
Got to registry key Computer\HKEY_USERS\\Control Panel\International and update the Locale and LocaleName. Locale = 00000409 and LocaleName = en-US
Restart the server for this registry setting change to become active. Processing will now work (you might have to redeploy the SSAS solution).