I\'m trying to get links from table in HTML. By using HTML::TableExtract, I\'m able to parse table and get text (i.e. Ability, Abnormal in below example) but cannot get link tha
Use keep_html
option in the constructor.
Return the raw HTML contained in the cell, rather than just the visible text. Embedded tables are not retained in the HTML extracted from a cell. Patterns for header matches must take into account HTML in the string if this option is enabled. This option has no effect if extracting into an element tree structure.
$te = HTML::TableExtract->new( keep_html => 1, headers => [qw(field1 ... fieldN)]);
HTML::LinkExtor, passing the extracted table text to its parse method.
my $le = HTML::LinkExtor->new();
foreach $ts ($te->tables){
foreach $row ($ts->rows){
for my $link_tag ( $le->links ) {
my ($tag, %links) = @$link_tag;
# next if $tag ne 'a'; # exclude other kinds of links?
print for values %links;