I have a printing script in javascript saved in this fiddle. But I unable to remove the print button from the hardcopy. Is there any other methods to remove the print button? Th
Add the style declaration to preview window:
function printpage() {
var data = 'Sample Report<br />Sample Report<br />Sample Report<br />';
data += '<br/><button onclick="window.print()" class="noprint">Print the Report</button>';
data += '<style type="text/css" media="print"> .noprint {visibility: hidden;} </style>';
myWindow = window.open('', '', 'width=800,height=600');
myWindow.innerWidth = screen.width;
myWindow.innerHeight = screen.height;
myWindow.screenX = 0;
myWindow.screenY = 0;
myWindow.document.body.innerHTML = data;