Using EF5 Code first, I have two classes:
public class UserProfile {
The trick with 1:1 in EF is the dependant table MUST have the same primary key. The Primary tables has the DB generated ID. The dependant uses DatabaseGeneratedOption.None !
so the fluentAPI for the dependant table
// map for Dependant
// Relationship
this.HasKey(t => t.Id);
// Properties
//Id is an int allocated by DB but controller via Primary here
this.Property(t => t.Id).HasDatabaseGeneratedOption(DatabaseGeneratedOption.None); // from parent
entity.HasRequired(t => t.NAV_PROP_TO_PRIMARY)
.WithOptional(t => t.NAV_PROP_DEPENDANT) // if it is declared. NOT required.
.WillCascadeOnDelete(true); // as appropriate
//map for Primary
// Primary Key
this.HasKey(t => t.Id);
// Properties
//Id is an int allocated by DB
this.Property(t => t.Id).HasDatabaseGeneratedOption(DatabaseGeneratedOption.Identity); // default to db generated
public class Dependant{
public virtual int Id { set; get; }
//... other props
public virtual Primary Primary {get; set;} // nav to primary
public class Primary{
public virtual int Id { set; get; }
You define the principal when you map:
.HasOptional(f => f.Baz). //Baz is dependent and gets a FK BarId
.WithRequired(s => s.Bar);//Bar is principal
.HasOptional(f => f.Bar). //Bar is dependent and gets a FK BazId
.WithRequired(s => s.Baz);//Baz is principal
The dependent gets the foreign key that references the principal's key. When it's a one to one, that foreign key is also the dependent's primary key but EF can't work out which is which and that's why you get an error until you've specified it.