Following is the sample xml file:
In general, when posting an example with xml or csv data, it is helpful to use here strings to represent the data instead of referencing a file that others do not have.
Something like this can be used to achieve your result.
$xmldata = @"
<environment id="Development">
[System.Xml.XmlDocument] $configxml = [xml]$xmldata
$environmentId = "Development"
$keyValuePairs = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary``2[System.String,System.String]"
$configxml.SelectNodes("//configuration/environment[@id='$($environmentId)']//*[not(*)]") | `
ForEach-Object {
if($_.ParentNode.ToString() -ne "targetmachine")
$keyValuePairs.Add($_.Name, $_.InnerText)
Write-Output $keyValuePairs
# A static way...
#$keyValuePairs.path = $keyValuePairs.path -replace '%%type%%', $keyValuePairs.type
#$keyValuePairs.path = $keyValuePairs.path -replace '%%client%%', $keyValuePairs.client
#$keyValuePairs.path = $keyValuePairs.path -replace '%%datasource%%', $keyValuePairs.datasource
# Something more dynamic
$m = [Regex]::Matches($keyValuePairs.path,"%%(.+?)%%*")
$m | % {
$tag = $_.Groups[1].Value
$keyValuePairs.path = $keyValuePairs.path -replace "%%$tag%%", $($keyValuePairs.$tag)
Write-Output $keyValuePairs
Note, if you wanted something totally dynamic in nature, it can be done by getting all the placeholders by some other method, like a regex with capture, but that seemed unnecessary based on the problem statement.