I am trying to add a delete node feature in this jsfiddle
The refresh
method is adding on(\"mousedown\", mousedownNode)
event to each circle, b
As you said, the correct nodes are getting deleted and the data bound to the <g class="node"></g>
also seems correct BUT you're not UPDATING the node texts.
This is what you have:
.attr("dx", 12)
.attr("dy", ".35em")
.text(function(d) {
return d.id;
This is what I've changed it to:
.attr("dx", 12)
.attr("dy", ".35em");
.text(function(d) {
return d.id;
You can also change this by assigning the nodeText to a variable like this var nodeText = ...
But here's the point, when you call the refresh after say deleting a node, the exit()
selection works BUT the existing nodes DO NOT update by themselves. Hope this makes sense. Read How Selections Work
JSFIDDLE and here's the snippet:
EDIT: Removing a draggable SVG element results in an error. To fix, change the exit selection line to:
node.exit().on('mousedown.drag', null).remove();
that removes the drag event bound before removing the element.
rect {
fill: none;
pointer-events: all;
.node {
fill: #000;
.cursor {
fill: green;
stroke: brown;
pointer-events: none;
.link {
stroke: #999;
.node text {
pointer-events: none;
font: 10px sans-serif;
path.link {
fill: none;
stroke: #666;
stroke-width: 1.5px;
<script src="https://d3js.org/d3.v3.min.js"></script>
<button id="ref" onclick="refresh()">refresh </button>
//setInterval(refresh, 15000);
function addNodeCanvas(nodeName,g) {
var node = { x: 900, y: 900, id: nodeName, grp:g };
var n = nodes.push(node);
function addLinkCanvas(idSrc, idTarget) {
if (idSrc != idTarget) {
var s = {}, t = {};
nodes.forEach(function(curNode) {
if (typeof curNode.id != "undefined") {
if (curNode.id == idSrc) { s = curNode; }
if (curNode.id == idTarget) { t = curNode; }
//console.log( { s,t});
links.push({ source: s, target: t });
var fill = d3.scale.category20();
var links = [{ source: "FH", target: "TP" }];
var nodes = [
{ id: "FH", x: 100, y: 110 },
{ id: "TP", x: 200, y: 110 },
{ id: "GW1", x: 200, y: 110 },
{ id: "GW", x: 200, y: 110 },
{ id: "GW2", x: 200, y: 110 },
{ id: "DB", x: 100, y: 110 }
var width = 600,
height = 400,
radius = 8;
var map = {}
map[d.id] = i;
links.forEach(function(d) {
d.source = map[d.source];
d.target = map[d.target];
var force = d3.layout
.size([width, height])
.nodes(nodes) .links(links)
.on("tick", tick);
var svg = d3
.attr("width", width)
.attr("height", height);
// build the arrow.
var arrows = svg
.data(["arrow"]) // Different link/path types can be defined here
.append("svg:marker") // This section adds in the arrows
.attr("id", String)
.attr("viewBox", "0 -5 10 10")
.attr("refX", 10)
.attr("refY", -1)
.attr("markerWidth", 4)
.attr("markerHeight", 4)
.attr("orient", "auto")
.attr("d", "M0,-5L10,0L0,5");
.attr("width", width)
.attr("height", height);
var nodes = force.nodes(),
links = force.links(),
node = svg.selectAll(".node"),
link = svg.selectAll(".link");
function tick() {
link.attr("d", function(d) {
var dx = d.target.x - d.source.x,
dy = d.target.y - d.source.y;
var angle = Math.atan2(dy, dx);
var offsetX = radius * Math.cos(angle);
var offsetY = radius * Math.sin(angle);
dr = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
return (
"M" +
(d.source.x + offsetX) +
"," +
(d.source.y + offsetY) +
"A" +
dr +
"," +
dr +
" 0 0,1 " +
(d.target.x - offsetX) +
"," +
(d.target.y - offsetY)
node.attr("transform", function(d) {
return "translate(" + d.x + "," + d.y + ")";
function mousedownNode(d, i) {
nodes.splice(i, 1);
links = links.filter(function(l) {
return l.source !== d && l.target !== d;
function refresh() {
link = link.data(links);
.attr("class", "link")
.attr("marker-end", "url(#arrow)");
node = node.data(nodes);
var nodeEnter = node
.attr("class", "node")
.on("mousedown", mousedownNode)
.attr("xlink:href", "https://github.com/favicon.ico")
.attr("x", -8)
.attr("y", -8)
.attr("width", 16)
.attr("height", 16);
.attr("dx", 12)
.attr("dy", ".35em");
.text(function(d) {
return d.id;
node.exit().on('mousedown.drag', null).remove();
I didn't dig into this much, as I felt like the problem was quite obvious to me. I can't exactly explain why the GW
node returns but it's something to do with your data-binding being incorrect I believe.
When you're doing your data join you're basically telling D3
to key on an index. Now the original GW
node in the DOM is going to be re-used if it weren't the last in the index because the indexes will be offset by 1.
node = node.data(nodes);
If you change this to key on a field
node = node.data(nodes, d => d.id);
You'll find your problem goes away.