Read csv file with hidden or invisible character ^M

前端 未结 3 982
死守一世寂寞 2021-01-25 08:48

I am attempting unsuccessfully to read a *.csv file containing hidden or invisible characters. The file contents are shown here:

my.data2 <- read.table(text          

  • 2021-01-25 09:26

    Here is code that can handle white space (i.e., multiple words) within fields:

    nfields <- 4
    bb <- readLines('c:/users/mmiller21/simple R programs/invisible.delimiter4.csv')
    pattern <- "(?<=\\,)(?=)"                  # split on commas
    cc <- strsplit(bb, pattern, perl=TRUE)
    dd <- unlist(cc)
    ee <- dd[dd != ' ' & dd != '' & dd != ','] # remove empty elements
    ff <- gsub(",", "", ee)                    # remove commas
    m = matrix(ff, ncol=nfields, byrow=TRUE)   # store data in matrix
    # returns string w/o leading or trailing whitespace
    trim <- function (x) gsub("^\\s+|\\s+$", "", x)
    nn <- trim(m)

    Here are the contents of the original data set:,, Stuff1, Stuff2
    Greylag Goose, Anser anser, AAC aa, rr bb
    Snow Goose, Anser caerulescens, AAC aa aa, rr bb bb
    Greater Canada Goose, Branta canadensis, AAC, rr bb
    Barnacle Goose, Branta leucopsis, AAC aa, rr
    Brent Goose, Branta bernicla, AAC, rr bb bb bb

    I simple removed the dots from the common name and scientific name and added extra text to the third and fourth columns.

    Here is the output:

         [,1]                   [,2]                 [,3]        [,4]         
    [1,] ""          ""    "Stuff1"    "Stuff2"     
    [2,] "Greylag Goose"        "Anser anser"        "AAC aa"    "rr bb"      
    [3,] "Snow Goose"           "Anser caerulescens" "AAC aa aa" "rr bb bb"   
    [4,] "Greater Canada Goose" "Branta canadensis"  "AAC"       "rr bb"      
    [5,] "Barnacle Goose"       "Branta leucopsis"   "AAC aa"    "rr"         
    [6,] "Brent Goose"          "Branta bernicla"    "AAC"       "rr bb bb bb"
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2021-01-25 09:43

    In gVim you should be able to remove the ^M characters by typing the following:


    If you've typed it in correctly it will look like ':%s/^M//g' in gVim. When you press return, gVim searches (the 's') for what's between the first and second slash and replaces it with what's between the second and third slash, globally (the 'g').

    NOTE: If you are on a Windows box and <ctrl>V seems to be pasting text, then gVim may be configured with 'windows behavior'. In that case, use <ctrl>Q<ctrl>M instead of <ctrl>V<ctrl>M.

    When I load your sample file into gVim 7.3, it looks like this:

    enter image description here

    After typing the characters


    but BEFORE hitting return I see this:

    enter image description here

    After hitting return I see this:

    enter image description here

    You can then do File->Save or File->Save As, which do what you would expect.

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  • 2021-01-25 09:43

    Here's a solution using scan to read the data, matrix to structure it, and data.frame to make it into a data frame:

    readF <- function(path, nfields=4){    
        m = matrix(
        d = data.frame(m[-1,])

    So first check the file duplicates your problem :

    > read.csv("./invisible.delimiter2.csv")
       Stuff1 Stuff2
    1         Greylag.Goose        Anser.anser              
    2                   AAC                 rr              
    3            Snow.Goose                                 
    4    Anser.caerulescens                                 
    5                   AAC                 rr              
    6  Greater.Canada.Goose  Branta.canadensis    AAC     rr
    7        Barnacle.Goose   Branta.leucopsis              
    8                   AAC                 rr              
    9           Brent.Goose    Branta.bernicla              
    10                  AAC                 rr        

    and then see if my function solves it:

    > readF("./invisible.delimiter2.csv")
    Read 24 items
      Stuff1 Stuff2
    1        Greylag.Goose        Anser.anser    AAC     rr
    2           Snow.Goose Anser.caerulescens    AAC     rr
    3 Greater.Canada.Goose  Branta.canadensis    AAC     rr
    4       Barnacle.Goose   Branta.leucopsis    AAC     rr
    5          Brent.Goose    Branta.bernicla    AAC     rr

    Feel free to pick the function apart to see how it works.

    I suspect the source of the problem is that the ^M is in the field data, and because you're fields aren't quoted then R can't tell if its a real line end or one in a field. There's some notes about embedded newlines in quoted fields in the documentation for read.csv etc.

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