Suppose I have the following classes defined:
Public Class BaseClass
End Class
Public Class DerivedClass
Inherits BaseClass
... Extra Fields, me
Have a look at this:
Understanding Covariance and Contravariance will clear things up a bit :)
Enables you to use a more specific type than originally specified. You can assign an instance of IEnumerable (IEnumerable(Of Derived) in Visual Basic) to a variable of type IEnumerable.
IEnumerable<Derived> d = new List<Derived>();
IEnumerable<Base> b = d;
Enables you to use a more generic (less derived) type than originally specified. You can assign an instance of IEnumerable (IEnumerable(Of Base) in Visual Basic) to a variable of type IEnumerable.
Action<Base> b = (target) => { Console.WriteLine(target.GetType().Name); };
Action<Derived> d = b;
d(new Derived());
Means that you can use only the type originally specified; so an invariant generic type parameter is neither covariant nor contravariant. You cannot assign an instance of IEnumerable (IEnumerable(Of Base) in Visual Basic) to a variable of type IEnumerable or vice versa.