There is this repo for this example, which is almost 2 years old, and therefore does not work with the recent releases of the threeJS.
I am having the following error a
There was a change in THREE.js but it is quite easy to adjust the BendModifier.js script. Just change the lines
var InverseP = new THREE.Matrix3().getInverse( P );
newVertices[i] = new THREE.Vector3(); newVertices[i].copy( geometry.vertices[i] ).applyMatrix3( InverseP );
to Matrix4 in both cases - so they will read:
var InverseP = new THREE.Matrix4().getInverse( P );
newVertices[i] = new THREE.Vector3(); newVertices[i].copy( geometry.vertices[i] ).applyMatrix4( InverseP );
Just tried it with three.min.81.js and it works fine.