I have a long clojure String (java.lang.String) representing a JSON. It has \"normal\" looking syntax like so:
\"{ a:1, b:\"hello\" }\"
The key
The link from @jas includes a comment that "it looks like YAML" (if the colons are followed by a space).
I have integrated the new snakeyaml-engine library into the Tupelo Library. API docs are here. The answer is now super-simple:
(ns tst.demo.core
(:use demo.core tupelo.core tupelo.test)
(:require [tupelo.parse.yaml :as yaml] ))
(let [data-1 "{ a: 1, b: 'Hello World' }"]
(is= (yaml/parse data-1) {:a 1, :b "Hello World"})))
Given project.clj
[io.forward/yaml "1.0.9"]
this works:
(ns tst.demo.core
(:require [yaml.core :as yaml]) )
(def data-1 "{ a: 1, b: \"Hello World\" }" )
(let [result-raw (yaml/parse-string data-1)
result (into {} result-raw)]
with result
Clojure 1.10.0 Java 10.0.1
Testing tst.demo.core
result-raw => #ordered/map ([:a 1] [:b "Hello World"])
result => {:a 1, :b "Hello World"}
Unfortunately it (currently) fails under Java 11 because a dependent library needs a type hint. You can work around this by fixing up your project.clj
:dependencies [
[io.forward/yaml "1.0.9" :exclusions [org.flatland/ordered
org.yaml/snakeyaml] ]
[org.yaml/snakeyaml "1.23"]
[org.flatland/ordered "1.5.7"]
[org.clojure/clojure "1.10.0"]
I filed an issue with the io.forward/yaml
project to update their dependencies.
Depending on your level of desperation, the Groovy JSON Slurper can read this "JSON" in the LAX
setting (which allows those attributes, comments, ...)
Add the following dep:
[org.codehaus.groovy/groovy-json "2.5.6"]
Then you can run:
user=> (import [groovy.json JsonSlurper JsonParserType])
user=> (def parser (doto (JsonSlurper.) (.setType JsonParserType/LAX)))
user=> (def data (.parseText parser "{ a:1, b:\"hello\" }"))
user=> data
{"a" 1, "b" "hello"}