How do I get just filename (without path and extension)
like \"MyFileName\"
from the following full path?
Set regEx = New RegExp
regEx.Pattern = ".*\\"
regEx.IgnoreCase = True
filename = regEx.Replace(fullpath, "")
If it's a real file that you have access to, you can use Dir
sFileOnly = Dir(sPathAndFile)
If it's not a real file or you don't have access to it, this will return an empty string.
will find the last occurrence of a character in a string. Search for \
and split it there
now to take off the extension
Public Function GetFileNameWithoutExt(ByVal fullPath As String) As String
Dim fileName As String
Dim fileNameWithoutExt As String
Dim lastSlash As Integer
Dim positionOfDot As Integer
lastSlash = InStrRev(fullPath, "\")
fileName = Mid(fullPath, lastSlash + 1)
positionOfDot = InStr(1, fileName, ".")
fileNameWithoutExt = Mid(fileName, 1, positionOfDot - 1)
GetFileNameWithoutExt = fileNameWithoutExt
End Function
Using the immediate window
EDIT: Another method
Public Function GetFileNameWithoutExt2(ByVal fullPath As String) As String
Dim fileName As String
Dim splittedData
Dim fileNameWithoutExt As String
splittedData = Split(fullPath, "\")
fileName = splittedData(UBound(splittedData))
fileNameWithoutExt = Split(fileName, ".")(0)
GetFileNameWithoutExt2 = fileNameWithoutExt
End Function
Sub Test()
Dim fileNameOnly As String
fileNameOnly = Left$(Split("C:\A_B\C.D\E_\F0123456789\G\MyFileName.txt", "\")(UBound(Split("C:\A_B\C.D\E_\F0123456789\G\MyFileName.txt", "\"))), InStrRev(Split("C:\A_B\C.D\E_\F0123456789\G\MyFileName.txt", "\")(UBound(Split("C:\A_B\C.D\E_\F0123456789\G\MyFileName.txt", "\"))), ".") - 1)
Debug.Print Strtf
End Sub