I\'m trying to write the last part of my program and I need to pull data from an Access document and print it into a new Workbook.
To start, I will be taking the names o
As my previous answer was deleted (considered "insuficient"), I have to provide a better one.
If you want to output data from Access to Excel, you have to follow this steps:
I will focus on the data output, and leave the formatting out (the data part is the complicated one... formatting is easy)
First, you need to enable the Excel objects in your Access file: Tools Menu > References. Find the Microsoft Excel 12.0 Object Library and activate the checkbox. Now you have the full Excel library at your service :-)
Now is the time for the data crunching. I will asume that you need to create a new workbook:
public sub createExcelFile()
dim XL as Excel.Application, WB as Excel.Workbook, WKS as Excel.Worksheet
dim db as DAO.database, rec as DAO.recordset, f as DAO.field
dim i as integer, j as integer
' Prepare your Excel stuff
Set XL = new Excel.Application
XL.Visible = True
Set WB = XL.Workbooks.Add
Set WKS = WB.ActiveSheet ' Default: The first sheet in the newly created book
' Read your data here
set db = currentdb()
set rec = db.openrecordset("tblSampleData")
' A simple table that will show the data from rec
' i and j will be the coordiantes of the active cell in your worksheet
with rec
' The table headers
i = 1
j = 1
for each f in .fields
WKS.cells(i,j).value = f.name
j = j + 1
next f
' The table data
i = i+1
j = 1
for each f in .Fields
WKS.cells(i,j).value = f.value
j = j+1
next f
loop until .EOF
end with
end sub
If you want to format the cells, you can use the WKS.cells(i,j)
(or WKS.range(...)
) properties.
Take a look at the link I leaved before (which Siddarth Rout was kind to move to the comments).
I hope this helps you
You don't give a lot of details, so I can't give you a lot of details in return. But here's how I would do it:
Now the VBA is simple
Instead of one sheet per supplier, you'll have one sheet on which you can change the supplier. Here are the skills you'll need
You should be able to find details on all that, but if not, post another question.
Option Compare Database
Public Function format(filepath, sheetname)
Set xls = CreateObject("EXCEL.APPLICATION")
xls.screenupdating = False
xls.displayalerts = False
xls.Visible = True
xls.workbooks.Open filepath
Set xlsdd = xls.ActiveWorkbook
'deleting headers
xls.Selection.Delete Shift:=xlUp
'adding one column
xls.Selection.Insert Shift:=xlToRight, CopyOrigin:=xlFormatFromLeftOrAbove
'adding 5 rows
xls.Rows("1:5").Insert Shift:=xlDown
'fetching rows from access and putting them into excel
strsql = "select top 5 " & sheetname & ".* into top5_records from " & sheetname
DoCmd.RunSQL strsql
outputFileName = "C:\Users\hp\Desktop\top5_records.xls"
DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel9, "top5_records", outputFileName, True
'then open that excel and copy the rows
Set xls2 = CreateObject("EXCEL.APPLICATION")
xls2.screenupdating = False
xls2.displayalerts = False
xls2.Visible = True
xls2.workbooks.Open outputFileName
Set xlsdd2 = xls.ActiveWorkbook
xls.Cells(1, 1).Select
' Dim currdb As DAO.Database
' Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
' Set currdb = CurrentDb
' Set rst = currdb.OpenRecordset(strsql) '<<<Opens query recordset via DAO
' rst.MoveLast
' rowsToReturn = rst.RecordCount
' Set rng = xls.Cells(1, 1)
' 'copy specified number of records to worksheet
'rng.CopyFromRecordset rst, rowsToReturn '<<<Gets all records in recordset
'making first 6th row to be bold
With xls.Selection.Font
.Bold = True
.Name = "Arial"
.Size = 10
.Strikethrough = False
.Superscript = False
.Subscript = False
.OutlineFont = False
.Shadow = False
End With
'autofit the data
xls.CutCopyMode = False
With xlsdd
End With
xls.Visible = False
Set xlsdd = Nothing
Set xls = Nothing
End Function
You can define column/row widths to a static pixel amount or auto-fit, things like bold are a pre-defined
Selection.Font.Bold = True
You can also make a template spreadsheet, copy the contents into the template and save as. Your post does not indicate how much formatting actually needs to be done.