I have a Kendo MVC grid that I am creating with the Html.Kendo().Grid helper. When the PopUp editor window opens, I want to catch the event and run a bit of javascript. When I
The "events" of the kendo grid popup are not honoured/serialized (at least not the last time I tested this back in 2014) and so you should use the grid's Edit event to control the "Pop Up" window events
So within your grid add this:
.Events(event => event.Edit("onEdit"))
.//other grid settings here.
Then add a javascript function like this:
function onEdit(e) {
//get window object
var kendoWindow = e.container.data("kendoWindow");
title: "I have a custom Title"
//do stuff in here
Then you can apply what ever functions you want to the window via javascript.
I do something similar to this to resize the pop up editor so it takes up 80% of the screen size regardless of the display/device.
If you have something more specific you are after then I will update my answer accordingly.
edit: If you want you can refer to this post from Telerik's own forums which is what I used when I first encountered this issue back in mid 2014.
Kendo Pop Up Editor not firing off applied events