I am using SWIG to wrap the following C interface to access it from Python:
void some_method(char **output, int paramA, const char *paramB, int paramC);
does work with multiple parameters. It declares "If you see char **output
as a parameter to any method, hide the parameter and return it as an additional output.
Here's an example. I declare two methods: one that returns a value and one that doesn't. Note in the output how the output
parameter is not passed, but it's result is returned as an additional return value.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
void some_method(char **output, int paramA, const char *paramB, int paramC)
*output = malloc(paramA);
int some_method2(char **output, int paramA, const char *paramB, int paramC)
*output = malloc(paramA);
return strlen(*output);
void some_method(char **output, int paramA, const char *paramB, int paramC);
int some_method2(char **output, int paramA, const char *paramB, int paramC);
%module x
%begin %{
#pragma warning(disable:4100 4127 4211 4706)
#include "x.h"
%cstring_output_allocate(char **output, free(*$1));
%include "x.h"
_x.pyd: x.c x_wrap.c x.h
cl /LD /W4 /MD /Ic:\python27\include x.c x_wrap.c -link /LIBPATH:c:\python27\libs
x_wrap.c: x.i x.h
swig -python x.i
Python 2.7.2 (default, Jun 12 2011, 15:08:59) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import x
>>> x.some_method(100,'blah',123)
>>> x.some_method2(100,'blah',123)
[8, 'blah_123']
Not a direct answer, but what you're working on sounds sufficiently low-level that you may want to consider forgoing SWIG and using the CPython api directly. SWIG is great, but it adds another dependency and loads of generated code.