Google BigQuery recently deprecated their legacy UI in favor of their new UI. While the new UI is cleaner looking, has a linter, and has better autocomplete, I had avoided using
We're taking a look at this issue. In the meantime, as a workaround you can append a URL query parameter to disable it, like this:
-Michael (PM for BigQuery)
Issue tracker to subscribe and follow the progress on this issue:
While this issue will be addressed / resolved - you can try yet another UI tool for BigQuery
This is Goliath – the IDE for BigQuery – part of Suite available at Marketplace.
I tried your query and have not experienced any delays you described. At least you can try and see if this will work for you and enjoy many perks coming with Goliath
Note: Another tool in this suite is Magnus - Workflow Automator. supports all BigQuery, Cloud Storage and most of Google APIs as well as multiple simple utility type Tasks like BigQuery Task, Export to Storage Task, Loop Task and many many more along with advanced scheduling, triggering, etc.
Disclosure: I am creator of those tools and leader on Potens team. Also, I am author and creator of well-known BigQuery Mate chrome extension that helped thousands and thousands of users since 2015 to overcome limitations and limits of Native BigQuery UI known as Classic BigQuery UI