I want to combine a template that looks like this:
grant $privs
on $table
to $user;
With a CSV file that looks like this:
I have written a function, Expand-Csv, that does this. Here it is:
<# This function is a table driven template tool.
It generates output from a template and
a driver table. The template file contains plain
text and embedded variables. The driver table
(in a csv file) has one column for each variable,
and one row for each expansion to be generated.
function Expand-csv {
[string] $driver,
[string] $template
$pattern = (Get-Content $template) -join "`n"
Import-Csv $driver | % {
foreach ($p in $_.psobject.properties) {
Set-variable -name $p.name -value $p.value
In the case at hand, the call would look like this:
Expand-Csv grants.csv grants.tmplt > grants.sql
The output that would come to the console gets redirected to a file.
I've tried using this for generating scripts in Powershell itself, but a word of caution is in order. ExpandString does some of the same processing that Invoke-Command does, so you can get undesired consequences. I only use it for the simplest kind of PS code, like a series of calls to some external app.