Is it possible to mount a S3 bucket to a windows instance as a network drive on my EC2 system. Any ideas anyone.
1) Install WinFsp
2) Download rclone
3) Extract it for example here C:\Program Files\rclone
4) Once in the path, execute "rclone config" and follow the steps. Otherwise create this file C:\Users\David\.config\rclone\rclone.conf and fill it with you params. In my case:
type = s3
provider = Minio
env_auth = false
access_key_id = ...
secret_access_key = ...
endpoint =
acl = public-read-write
5) Execute rclone (where Z will be the letter assigned to the mounted bucket, and 'bucketname' is your bucket's name):
.\rclone.exe mount minio:bucketname Z: --allow-other --allow-root --dir-cache-time 0 --poll-interval 0 --vfs-cache-mode writes --write-back-cache --no-check-certificate --log-level INFO --progress
It works like a charm!
Yes, but it is not advisable.
Amazon S3 is an object storage system, not a filesystem. The correct way to use Amazon S3 is to put/get files using the S3 API (or with tools that use the S3 API, such as the AWS Command-Line Interface (CLI)).
If you must mount Amazon S3, you could use 3rd-party tools such as CloudBerry Drive - Mount S3 as a Win Drive. However, I would recommend that you test your solution before using it in production environment.