I am trying to convert latitude and longitude values which are in degrees to double. the values are like this
\"latitude\":\"25°21 N\",
for your current example, you have to parse your input, one time it is parsed assign to that formula.
Parsing the input
Map<String,String> yourMap; //imagine is your input
//"latitude":"25°21 N",
//"longitude":"55°23 E"
String latitude = yourMap.get("latitude");
String hour = latitude.split("º")[0];
String minute = latitude.split("º")[1].split(" ")[0];
// This is a very ugly way to parse it, better do with regular expressions,
// but I'm not an expert on them and cannot figure them.
//Parse result
String hour = "25";
String minute = "21";
String second = "0";
double result = Integer.intValue(hour) +
Integer.intValue(minute) / 60 +
Integer.intValue(second) / 3600;